The concrete is that the different mutations that are operated in the world and the country, suggest concepts as the domestic economy. (Continued) DOMESTIC and economy life everyday by LIC. Alfredo Armando Aguirre 2nd. and last part people is enough insightful, to warn the moves that we have been talking about. And it is proceeding accordingly. Argentine Governments with obvious resource constraints even, try to make theirs. In the stages prior to these times began trading officially, with the concept of community development; then joined the concept of social promotion. Along with the restoration of democracy in 1983, appeared the concept of food security, exercised through the national food programme (Pan).
The current national administration began operating with the solidarity bonus, which quickly moved to community social policies (PO. OS. CO), and the Federal programme of solidarity has been implementing. At the theoretical level began to shuffle concepts as: agropolis, local development and small productive enterprises or micro-enterprises. All these contributions (the list is not exhaustive) theoretical or practical are valid, but insufficient. Sense EI here we attach to political economy, is similar but distinct and complementary of any public or private initiative that aims to contribute to solving the problems of daily subsistence of families. We are committed to the educational system and the media as promoters of the domestic economy.
Let's take as an example, national public administration. Yet streamlined, remain in its orbit: Radio Nacional, Argentina Televisora Color; Agency Telam news; Bulletin official of the Republic Argentina, national teachers of domestic economy (higher current of activities practices); an area of teacher development; Technical education National Council (now: responsible for agricultural education and Research Institute and development fisheries.) They are also in official documentation centres, vestiges of few earlier, valuable publications on practical and simple schemas on the subject that concerns us. An adequate and stable institutional link between these or other instances could generate alluding content to be disseminated by the media official media which will surely be joined voluntarily deprived of communication media.
The current national administration began operating with the solidarity bonus, which quickly moved to community social policies (PO. OS. CO), and the Federal programme of solidarity has been implementing. At the theoretical level began to shuffle concepts as: agropolis, local development and small productive enterprises or micro-enterprises. All these contributions (the list is not exhaustive) theoretical or practical are valid, but insufficient. Sense EI here we attach to political economy, is similar but distinct and complementary of any public or private initiative that aims to contribute to solving the problems of daily subsistence of families. We are committed to the educational system and the media as promoters of the domestic economy.
Let's take as an example, national public administration. Yet streamlined, remain in its orbit: Radio Nacional, Argentina Televisora Color; Agency Telam news; Bulletin official of the Republic Argentina, national teachers of domestic economy (higher current of activities practices); an area of teacher development; Technical education National Council (now: responsible for agricultural education and Research Institute and development fisheries.) They are also in official documentation centres, vestiges of few earlier, valuable publications on practical and simple schemas on the subject that concerns us. An adequate and stable institutional link between these or other instances could generate alluding content to be disseminated by the media official media which will surely be joined voluntarily deprived of communication media.
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